Frequently Asked Questions

The Kenya Space Agency (KSA) is a Kenyan State Corporation under the Ministry of Defence which was established through the Legal Notice No. 22 of 7 March 2017 and is mandated to promote, coordinate and regulate Space related activities in the country.

A satellite is a body or object that moves around a larger body.

Kenya's space program began in the early 60s at the Luigi Broglio Space Centre in Malindi. Over the years, over 20 sounding rockets and nine satellites have been launched from the Malindi Space Centre. 

A sounding rocket is a rocket that carries instruments and performs scientific experiments during its flight.   

Taifa 1 is Kenya’s first operational earth observation satellite designed and developed by a team of Kenyan engineers. It is an optical satellite with two imagers for its primary and secondary missions designed to deliver panchromatic and multispectral imageries respectively. The nanosatellite will be operational for 5 years and support environmental monitoring, climate monitoring and mitigation, food security through crop condition and monitoring, and disaster management among others.

Space is a precious, yet limited resource that offers opportunities in Space system design and manufacturing. Space travel and solutions to some of the key challenges facing our country. KSA is promoting and coordinating the utilization of Space since it is a shared resource and performs its regulatory role by making proposals that guide decision making in legislation and enforcement to ensure fair play among stakeholders in the Space industry.

Key engineering background and skills relevant to the Agency are Software, Geospatial, Telecommunications, Electrical-electronics, Aerospace, Mechanical and their related disciplines. Natural sciences consist of Astronomy-Astrophysics, Meteorology and their related disciplines, whereas administrative arts include Human resources, Finance, Procurement, Secretariat and their related disciplines.

Applications can ONLY be made through the KSA official website.

The Agency is currently under the Ministry of Defence and its staff consist of both civilian and military personnel. 

Luigi Broglio Space Centre (Malindi Centre) is primarily a host to ground station equipment which are used to transmit and receive signal from various Space systems used in specific missions. 

KSA’s current projects are focussed on promoting, coordinating and regulating Kenya’s nascent Space industry. While non-Space related projects are not at the forefront, the Agency is actively promoting innovation in development of Space systems and applications so that skills acquired during these projects can also be translated to future collaborations, and engagement with other industries 

There are no tangible records of Kenyans who have travelled to Space and the Agency has no plans to send Kenyans to Space just yet. 

Agriculture, aviation, telecommunications, power, tertiary education and research industries 

Proposals/Concept notes can be forwarded to , remember to include additional contact information for purposes of follow up. 

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Where you can find us


+254 709 298 200
Whatsapp: +254 709 298 200

Pitman House
Jakaya Kikwete Road
Nairobi, Kenya

Working hours:

8:00AM - 5:00PM

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