Call for Participation 

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The Kenya Space Agency (KSA) is a State Corporation that promotes, coordinates and regulates Space related activities in Kenya. KSA, in collaboration with Teaching Science and Technology Inc (TSTI) is organizing a Space-Tech Mission Idea Contest (ST-MIC) 2024 that will culminate into a Nanosat Training Boot Camp to train Kenyan University students in different aspects of Space Technology in October 2024. The Italian Space Agency (ASI) in collaboration with KSA will undertake the 2-weeks Nanosat Training Boot Camp in Malindi, Kenya.

KSA is therefore inviting students in their third or fourth year of studies in the space-related field of study (including but not limited to Electrical and electronics, Mechanical, Aerospace, Aeronautics, Geospatial engineering, Computer Engineering and Information Technology) to organize themselves into group of maximum of FOUR (4) students and submit an Abstract on their Space-Tech Mission Idea Concept for 2024 (ST-MIC 2024) using this LINK

The focus theme of the ST-MIC 2024 will be “Nanosatellites for addressing societal challenges”. The team will be expected to submit an Abstract on their Mission Idea by Friday 12 July, 2024 at 4:00pm EAT. KSA and TSTI will evaluate the abstract and team composition and select the best 25 teams to undertake a 4-week long online training course in understanding space from 22 July – 16 August, 2024. During this training period, the teams will be expected to develop a more elaborate Space Mission Idea for evaluation.

The best FIVE (5) teams with the best Space Mission Idea will proceed to undertake a two-week long residential Nanosat Training Boot Camp at the Luigi Broglio, Malindi Space Centre, Malindi from 28 October- 8 November 2024. The Boot Camp will introduce students to the more in-depth training on Nanosatellite design and development through both theoretical and hands-on experience. The best THREE missions will be launched using a High Altitude Balloon.

Important Dates
Abstract Submission: 4:00pm EAT on Friday 12 July, 2024
Announcement of 25 selected teams: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024
Kick Off Meeting (online): Friday, 19 July, 2024
Understanding Space (Online): 22 July- 16 August, 2024
ST-MIC Concept Note Submission: 4:00pm EAT on 16 August, 2024
Evaluation of ST-MIC Concept: 19 - 22 August, 2024
Announcement of the top FIVE teams: Friday, 23 August, 2024
Nanosat Training Boot Camp: 28 October- 8 November, 2024 


How Do I Participate?

The current ST-MIC is closed for participations. However, we urge you to follow KSA social media for future  editions of the ST-MIC and similar programmes. 


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